University of California San Francisco

David Saloner, PhD
David Saloner, PhD

Director of the Vascular Imaging Research Center, SFVAMC
Professor of Radiology, UCSF


    Dr. Saloner received his Ph.D. in Nuclear Theory from the University of Heidelberg in Germany. His research interests include investigating methods for visualizing the vascular lumen and the wall in cardiovascular disease. He's also interested in the application of numerical modeling methods to the analysis of the progression of vascular disease and the efficacy of devices for treatment of cardiovascular disease. He is a Professor in Residence in the Departments of Radiology, Surgery, and Bioengineering at UCSF, and a Professor in the Department of Bioengineering at UC Berkeley. Currently he is Director of the Vascular Imaging Research Center at the VA Medical Center, SF and Director of the Interventional MRI Unit at UCSF. Dr. Saloner has also conducted studies that investigate the use of non-invasive Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) methods for evaluating atherosclerotic disease.

    Selected Publications & Links

     Vascular Imaging Research Center

    MRI of Geometric and Compositional Features of Vulnerable Carotid Plaque

    Correlation between Lumenal Geometry Changes and Hemodynamics in Fusiform Intracranial Aneurysms

    Estimating the hemodynamic impact of interventional treatments of aneurysms: numerical simulation with experimental validation: technical case report